
Showing posts from May, 2018

The John 3:30 Podcast - Episode 52: Greg & Julie Alexander

Episode # 52 is here!! In this episode, I speak with Greg & Julie Alexander. Greg & Julie bounced back from the brink of divorce 19 years ago. After living most of their married life by the prescriptions of the world, they hit "rock-bottom" and concluded that divorce was the only way out of the pain and misery. They continued to go to Mass every Sunday, they befriended a visiting priest who filled in for their pastor for the summer. This new friend just happened to be the Tribunal Vicar for their diocese and after learning about their struggles, suggest that they go back and discover God's plan for marriage as opposed to their plan. Let's just say that the rest is history and Greg and Julie felt called to create an apostolate to share with others what they discovered! How do Greg & Julie keep his fire burning for our Catholic Faith? Click play and let’s find out, together. Items mentioned in the episode: The Alexander House: https://www.thealexanderhouse.

The John 3:30 Podcast - Episode 51: Sean Bryan – Papal Ninja

Episode # 51 is here!! In this episode, I speak with Sean Bryan – Papal Ninja. Sean’s moniker of the Papal Ninja stems from his appearances on NBC’s American Ninja Warrior. He attended UC Berkley, was a gymnast most of his life. He spent time discerning with the Salesians of Don Bosco and Studied Theology at the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology. Aside from training for American Ninja Warrior, Sean also works with The Lay Ministry Project. How does Sean keep his fire burning for our Catholic Faith? Click play and let’s find out, together. Items mentioned in the episode: Sean Bryan at the Los Angeles City Finals - American Ninja Warrior 2017: Sean’s Prayer to the Holy Spirit: Padre Pio’s Prayer of Spiritual Communion: Lay Mission Project: LUMEN GENTIUM (Paragraph 31 & 33):